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Monday, July 4, 2011

Shake ya ass, watch ya self

Umbilical cords are still attached to grown ass kids and their parents. Yea, some daddies have them attached to them as well.

"UmbiliKids" is what I call them. These adult kids range in age from 18 - 38, some older, both male and female and there is no specific race. They still depend on mom or dad for 1 or all of the following: food, shelter, clothing, cigarettes, money or contributions to their fabulous life styles.

While they are reaping all the benefits they: Talk shit, make their own house rules, have attitudes and sum Otha dumb shit. 

One day as I sat in my office  my phone rang, "Riiiing!" "Hello" I said. "My son (who is 28) will be late for his interview, because he overslept," the caller said. Me 0_0 staring at the phone and thinking, "No, his mama, just did not call me!" "Thanks for calling," was my response. When UmbiliKid arrived, he was promptly thanked and excused.
Come on Son, the least you could have done was to call yourself!

UmbiliKids usually have a parent or parents that make a reasonable living and have overindulged the Umbili's as they were growing up. And, as adults the parents have looked for jobs for them, typed resumes, completed apps, bent rules and allowed them to talk shit without repercussion and consequence. And, most have the God awful "Right of entitlement" attitude.

UmbiliKids, work and with their money they: shop, wet their whistles with too much alcohol, smoke weed, snort cocaine indulge in designer drugs (WTF is that you ask: Ecstasy seems to be a very popular one). Most couldn't pass a poly or drug test to save their own Umbili neck!" 

They live the life of Riley: They sleep late, take trips, half do chores (if they do any at all),  "Shake ya ass watch ya self" in clubs wearing the finest clothes and shoes, before exiting to retrieve their rides from valet to go salivate over lobster pizza at Berri's.

Some UmbiliKids don't even contribute to the house by buying toilet paper to wipe their precious asses or a loaf of bread for their favorite sandwich, which they can count on making with meat their parents have purchased for the Umbili's consumption. 

It's not Umbili's fault they act this way, it's the parents fault. 

UmbiliKids are not dumb, a lot are educated and degreed up (by either the streets, books or both). My co-workers son has 2 masters degrees and working on a 3rd. He refuses to work, lives in her home off money left by his dad (which she said is almost gone) and plays video games all day. He's 30 something. Oh yea, she said he doesn't even clean up after himself or make his bed and that she does it after her 10 hour work day... GTFOH! The kicker is  he brings strange hot girls into her home at night to screw... Uhhh huh 

If you are an UmbiliKid and you are reading this and you live at your parent's home, because the economy is bad and you can't find a job to sustain an apartment and everything that comes with being on your own or you just prefer having all your hard earned money to yourself, my advise to you is to: SHUT THE F*#K UP, be nice, kind, smile often, speak in soft tones, buy some toilet paper, pay a light bill and be productive in your parent's home! 

Parents, time for reprogramming and cutting the umbilical cord, because we have real.com messes on our hands! 

I shake, shiver and convulse  thinking UmbiliKids are our future...

"Shake ya ass, watch ya self..." 

06/22/11, 0622hrs

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Lick This

People please STOP putting ya'lls mouths on everything you think is: cute/fine, smells good, has a good job, drives a nice car, has a nice crib, dresses well, degreed up (has 1 or more college degrees), speaks well, bodied up (baad meaning good body), blah, blah, blah

Especially y'all men, because y'all are the first ones that wanna lick and taste something! A male friend called and told me the honey he thought tasted like mangos and sum otha exotic fruits (well, not his words, exactly, my line from my blog "Excuse Me Ms") finally allowed him to taste the fruit and what he received in return was  Herpes, yep, that for which there is no cure.

I just read an article on www.ashastd.org that stated Nearly 1 in 2 African American adults have genital Herpes, but 90% don't know it.  WTF!! That sure is high! So, that means every other black person has Herpes??? Awww, hell to the no, that study can't be right! Can it?? If so, that's scary!

Hmm, reading those stats had me thinking about the "Tuskegee syphilis experiment" (with a twist) which was conducted btw 1932-1972 in Alabama on black men (if you are not familiar with this, slap ya self then Google it).

In another article, same site, it was stated: Experimental trial Herpes vaccine doesn't work for women. Well double damn! Eve really F*#%*d things up, when she had Adam bite that apple: Periods, labor pain, too damn emotional and now a Herpes vaccine that doesn't work for women... 4Realz??? What part of the game is that!

Ok, back to my friend, he said he ONLY sucked her Ussy once and hasn't been with anyone, besides his right hand, in a minute. A week after the sampling and savoring, he said he got a strange cluster of bumps and to his dismay was diagnosed with Herpes. Now, his ass is all mad. "Damn, she didn't look like she had nothing," Is what he said. I stared at the phone, and said, "4realz, Son!"

Now for my PSA (Public Service Announcement): If you are really into oral satisfaction, giving or receiving, consider using a dental dam.  www.sgfelken.com has pictures and explains it's use during oral activity. I'm pretty sure the feeling won't be as intense, but you will avoid the clusters my boy has, is all...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


**Before reading this, please read RECEIVERS and THE MIKE TYSON SYNDROME (MTS)***

Men, when you sleep with a woman it is very important to call and say hi, what's up or how are ya, the next day, even if you don't plan on ever seeing her again.

Most women would like to think giving themselves to you meant a lil somethin (especially if you've hung out a few times).

Fella's expect a bit of emotion, on the receivers part, to come with the receipt of your joy stick; Rather you like it (No, not the sex, the emotion) or not. Even a text (So Los Angeles) is better than nada.

When that very small token of appreciation is not extended unnecessary hurt feelings are created and depending on the woman's experiences and emotional luggage, something far more serious could be born: Stalker Or MTS.

Doesn't matter if you just wanted to hit and run, don't make the woman feel like you only wanted the Ussy, even if it's the truth.)You never know, when you'll have a dry spell, so like my mama says, "Don't burn no bridges"). Hey, Hi, What's up, how are you... #isall

I'm just saying be appreciative and show some reciprocity.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Excuse me Ms

"Bonita Applebum you gotta put me on..." Is what played in my head when I saw Her.

And, Her smile...It was so, so E LEC TRI FYING...

Mmmmmm, she smelled so nice was it Jo Malone, Marc Jacobs  or Balenciaga...

The mere touch of her skin ignited something animalistic inside me...

The sweet melodic sound of Her voice as she said, "Hello," sent chills of joy throughout my  EN TIRE EX IS TANCE...

I bet she tastes like mangos and sum otha exotic fruits. I can tell.

She enticed all 5 of my senses and by looking into Her big brown eyes I umm, I, I knew we'd need some prophylactics.

"Excuse me Ms," is what this brutha is going to say, next time I see her. Excuse me Mssssss...

Hello and welcome to BEAUTIFUL MIND, BODY, SOUL and SPIRIT.  I wrote this in the voice of a man.  Clever, huh.  This is what I think men think when they see beautiful women.  This particular peice took place in a grocery store in my mind.  The MIND is a BEAUTIFUL thing, Don't you agree.   

Monday, June 20, 2011

Make Love To My Body, Not My Mind

Ladies, a Nu man that makes love to your mind is more addicting and  intoxicating than one that makes love to your body.

Mind love is much more sensual, intimate and orgasmic.

Foreplay for a man that makes love to your mind is: Gently and methodically caressing your thoughts, Staring so deeply into your soul you shiver and sometimes you even speak in tongues, Making you laugh till you cry, Penetrating your being so deeply you think of him even when you sleep, Communicating to you with only his eyes and lips and the ability to make your Beautiful Mind Body Soul and Spirit come alive and feel brand Nu, all without physical love making of any kind.

If I had to choose between a man making passionate love to my mind or to my body, I'd choose the latter. I've experienced mind love and I'll just say that, for me, physical love making is easier to shake and control. Yes, really. Lol! Is all.

Mind vs Body which will you choose...

Happy Monday!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Wolves in Sheeps clothes

My mother always told me to beware of wolves in sheeps clothes. Well, ladies, I'm passing that advice on to you.

The wolves I'm speaking of, today, are the married ones.

Ladies, Let's be honest, you know 98% of the time when a man is married even when he doesn't have on a band.

If you're a little slow, these are the clues:

A - You've never been to his crib. B - You only have his cell. C - You've only met one of his boys (they always tell one). D - You haven't seen his baby daughter since she started talking  E - You only see him the day before a holiday: Thanksgiving eve, or the Day after: February 15th.  F - He always gets up in the middle of the night to leave. G - He never takes you out in public, but he brings you take out from Maestro's, (come on, who does that). H - You've been taken to the hospital, but he can't come because it's 6 and that's when he sits down with his family for dinner.

The other 2% of the time there is some real trickeration in motion. What a wolf in sheeps clothing does is: Have his very own love nest AKA Lair (resting place for wild animals). And of course the wife doesn't know about it. You even spend the night and park in his space. When you're sneaking peeks, in cabinets, there are no signs of a woman (No tampons or nail polish). He takes you to nice public places (Wife, her friends or her fam never go to that side of town). He intro's you to his friends and a few of his relatives. He does everything a single man, your man, would do.

Once your body and mind begins to crave him, the truth somehow reveals itself (of course he doesn't tell you). Maybe a "friend" or relative, who thought you knew, lets his status "slip." You're devastated, because you thought he was the ONE! You ask him why he hadn't told you and he says, "Because I knew you wouldn't F%#k with me."

Wolves, that's a low down dirty shame!

Ladies, you've invested all your time, emotions (ya'll know how emotional we can be) and energy on a wolf. It hurts, I know from my own experience with a wolf back in my formative years.

What do you do, now... You step, no matter how difficult. You MUST walk away. Your dream has turned into a nightmare and your reality has been turned upside down.

I normally have suggestions or answers, but Unfortunately, I have no answer to detect the wolf, because they live 2 full and complete lives.

Wolves in sheeps clothes, are real. *Howlingggg*

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Don't Stay

Don't Stay

Funny how decisions we MUST make to be fully happy, sometimes hurt someone/others.

Life is so short and unpredictable. YOU should NOT  stay in a situation to make someone/others happy while you are miserable (miserable meaning you have not been happy w/that person for a long time. Not that they've just pissed you off).

Life is for living and at times tough decisions MUST be made to live an abundant life!

DON'T stay for the children, Continue to take care of them in a happy environment. DON'T stay because of the beautiful home, Move into an apartment and be HAPPY. DON'T stay because you fill obligated because they helped you through school and was with you when you were broke, Apologize and give them a very generous departure gift. DON'T stay because you think you can't find anyone as pretty/handsome or with a 6 pack or brown round, Just walk 3 blocks and turn left, Damn, there another one is! DON'T stay because they buy you expensive gifts, You have enough to last a life time. DON'T stay because they threaten to kill themselves, Pray for them and keep moving your boxes.

STAY only if you want to  further stifle your growth and prolong that unhappy feeling.

Everyone is in charge of their own happiness... DON'T be a casualty.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Run Jane Run

Years ago, I walked into Compton Courts District attorneys office and was alarmed by what I saw. It was a wall with pictures of hundreds of women, from varying states, that had been murdered by their significant others. The ages ranged from 13 to 82.

Domestic violence has no color line or socioeconomic status.

Years later, I walked into a murder suicide scene that clearly remains in my mind. When she could no longer tolerate his controlling ways and grew tired of the beatings, she left. After months of building a Nu and happy life in a different city, she agreed to meet him at a public place, deadly mistake... Women, DO NOT do that. No good can come of it.

As we all know, abuse comes in different forms: Verbal, physical, sexual and psychological. And, the perpetrator is 27% times a woman and 73% times a man.

Besides the obvious hitting, if YOU are being told you're ugly, fat, no one else would want YOU, being forced to have sex, being isolated from your family and friends, and the perpetrator governing every single aspect of your life, that IS abuse.

As the book, "Dick and Jane" (A book used in schools in the 70's to teach children to read) said, "Run Jane Run," gurl YOU need to leave. YOU deserve better and YOU are worth so much more than his crash test dummy doll.

I understand it may be difficult financially, for some and YOU may be afraid, because of threats, "If you leave me, I'll kill you," (Which he/she is already doing in a spiritual sense), but develop a plan and get ghost.

Shelters are available, if YOU don't have a friend or relative willing to take YOU in.

Unless YOU know a "Pookie and nem" get a restraining order they help, sometimes. If cops are called regarding a domestic violence matter, they can issue  a Temporary restraining order (TRO), which takes effect that very moment, but YOU MUST go to court on the specified date to have it solidified.

NEVER agree to meet him after the fact even if YOU share children. Some are so sick they'll take YOU and the children out. Former NY Nicks, center, Eddie Curry's, girlfriend, a 24 year old woman from Chicago and their 9 month old daughter was murdered in "09" by her ex boyfriend an attorney.

She met the 37 year old attorney when he defended her in a case against Curry for their first child, a 3 year old boy. The young woman and her baby were both shot numerous times after she allowed her ex who she previously had a restraining order against, but had it dropped, into her condo. Her 3 year old son was the witness (Google the story).

Ladies, please don't allow yourself to fall victim to DV, the signs are normally blaring and plainly written: Jealously, possessiveness, name calling, pulling on YOU, "Gurl, I'm jus playn." uh uh, S I G N S

If you find yourself in an abusive situation, Please do yourself a favor and, "Run Jane Run."

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Mike Tyson Syndrome (MTS)

Ladies, if you are a consenting adult and have a consensual intimate encounter with a man,  it is NOT rape if: He does not walk you to the door afterwards, call you the next day, ignore your texts, decline an invite or doesn't leave home.  Women, I'm not discounting your hurt feelings, but it is NOT rape.

Within the past 24 hours 2 rape allegations have been brought forward.  After being interviewed, the women cited one of the above...

If there is any doubt you may not be able to handle the mind/behavior of the detached male, after the pleasure principle, (You know yourself better than anyone) DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT proceed. (Refer to my BLOG "RECEIVERS").

Bringing a false rape allegation against a man is horribly wrong in every sense.

Ladies, Play fair and if you can't, do what my mom always told me to do, "Keep ya drawers up and your dress down."

Hello and welcome to: Beautiful Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit

Thursday, June 9, 2011

F me pumps

"When you walk in the bar and you're dressed like a star Rockn' your F me pumps and the man notices you with your Gucci bag crew. Can't tell who he's looking to.

Cuzz y'all all look the same everyone knows your name and that's your whole claim to fame...Never miss a night, cuzz your dream in life is to be a footballers wife.

You're more then a fan, looking for a man, but you end up with one night stands, he could be your whole life if you got past one night, but that part never goes right..."

One of my favorite AMY WINEHOUSE songs, "F ME PUMPS"

Ladies, if this sounds like you, time to change what you do: 1 - Stop sleeping with men you just meet. Give it some time, cultivate a friendship, find out the N*#%#s last name. 2 - If looking for a man with some money, STOP going to the Dynasty, the Cork, Frieda's and the Savoy. Change it up and start going to upscale hotel bars, you'll definitely find men of substance and dollars there (not that there aren't any at the aforementioned bars). Beverly Hills has plenty. 3 - Pick up a new hobby.  Golf would be an excellent choice. Get some cheap clubs from Big 5, Ninety-nine dollars and take a few lessons. 4 - Start smoking cigars and begin
frequenting cigar lounges. Cigar lounges are cool and the men are laid back, gentlemanly and most importantly you have choices (for etiquette in cigar lounges, please read my blog  HUMP). Cigars are Also welcome, poolside, at hotel lounges. 5 - Look Good, "Hair done nails done everything did." Just don't over do it. DO NOT have chipped nails or fake designer bags AND PLEASE DO NOT HAVE THE PLASTIC PIECE OF YOUR PUMP MISSING where you're walking on the metal. NOT a good look or sound "Clank clank."  6 - Brush up on newsworthy events and politics.

7 - Buy a bottle of Jo Malone and Balenciaga. (Men are really attracted to expensive smells). Spray it starting at the top of your head, yes hair too (You may be talking to a very tall man. Why not allow him the pleasure of being intoxicated by "Jo or B"). Not necessary to use much, because these fragrances are expensive and go along way.  Periodically,  freshen up your fragrance, with a squirt, when you go to the ladies room to powder your nose (An oily face is a no no). 8 - Smile and flirt with your eyes subtly. AVOID HAVING THAT HUNGRY look, that scares men. 9 - DO NOT take your posse. NO need giving a man too many choices. You want to be the belle of the ball.

"You did too much E, you met somebody and spent the night getting caned.." 10 - Ladies leave the drugs alone and DO NOT drink too much. The only thing that can come of this is you sitting on his D#*k in your car in the parking lot. If that happens you've set a bad precedent and you will be "Dusting off your F me pumps" and getting busy in your car in a parking lot the entire relationship.  11 - When wearing a dress, legs MUST be shaved to a smooth finish and topped off with something that will make them shiny (Vaseline works).  12- Men are really turned on by "F me pumps," so wear them. 

Lastly, ladies, ALWAYS act like a lady, keep it slightly sexy and have your own money.

"You don't like players, that's what you said, but you really wouldn't mind a millionaire, you don't like ballers, they don't do nothing for you, but you'd like a rich man 6 foot 2 or taller..."

Enjoy, your "F me pumps" responsibly

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Practice what you preach

She screamed it from the mountain top, "No Glove, No Love, cause you never know what these N*%#*'s got!"

She had it all and lived the American dream, but what she didn't have was a man with the 3 6's: A 6 pack, a 6 figure salary and a 6" d*%k.

When she found him and opened the handsomely wrapped package, she was presented with a gift that she'd have for the rest of her life AIDS. She did not practice what she preached...

Thirty years ago, last week, the 1st 2 people in the United States died of Pneumonia that was attributed to Aids. During that time, it was known as a disease only homosexual men got. When Magic Johnson was diagnosed, it became an epidemic.

My friend works in a clinic in Los Angeles. Over the past 3 years, she said, the face of AIDS is women over 50 years old. These women had been married for a significant part of their lives and   have found themselves single, because of divorce or death. They contracted the virus through a dating relationship.

A sure way to avoid HIV/AIDS is to be tested together. But, since we live in an, "I want it now society," please use condoms.

Remember to, "Wrap It Up."

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The darker the berry

I think dark sista's are some of the most beautiful women on earth. My mom is a chocolate sista and I can remember growing up staring at her in total aw and amazement as she applied her rouge and put on her panty hose and beautiful clothes (she taught me to be the fashionista I am). 

Her skin was and still is so smooth, kinda like Hershey's dark chocolate. She exuded the confidence of a regal queen. In my eyes and that of some of my friends, she was the most beautiful of them all. 

I didn't know until much later that some of the dark sista's I thought were so beautiful, had a complex about the hue of their skin. Sad thing is the insecurity was created not only by taunts from the school yard, but by family members, that were suppose to love and protect them. Who would say to a teenager, "Don't believe the hype, cause your dark berry juice ainte sweet at all?" but an ignorant fool! 

I recently spoke to a friend who confided that she's still struggling with that and she's in her 40's. When a fine man tries to talk to her, she questions his motives, because "Why would
he be interested in me, as dark as I am?" 

Another said she loves black men, but had her babies with a man of another race so they
wouldn't suffer as she had. A sad shame...

Chocolate sista's, that don't already know, y'all are beautiful! Embrace, except and love the skin you are in. Who Eva doesn't like it, "F#*%k em and feed em beans," in the words of my beautiful deep chocolate mama!

Peace, I'm out

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Track 6 is what was playing on her iPod. "Maybach music, You think you using me like this game's new to me..." In her birthday suit sitting on the edge of unadulterated pleasure and her porcelain tub she spread her legs and with her rhinestone hand held mirror looked at her Ussy.

Admiring her she Whispered, mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all. The mirror revealed her beautiful image...

Ladies, do you really understand how much power you have? Ussy, has brought down empires and has made the most powerful man fall from grace.

"But you ainte using me, you just want jewelry..." Ladies stop giving yours away so free willy style. You have bargaining power. I don't care if the man is a preacher or a prominent figure at the end of the day, they all want Ussy.

Lighting up her Gurkha Majesty Reserve she smiled and sang, "We'll be cool as long as you just play your part..."

Ussy, is sometimes better than gold, use yours wisely...

Morning! I told y'all I was gonna hit y'all with something a lil light today, after yesterday's, "IT HURTS SO BAD."  Booooo yow!

Peace until tomorrow, "I ainte stoppn' you and you ainte stoppn' me..."

Monday, May 30, 2011

It hurts so bad

Her hand written letter said, "I cannot take the pain anymore. The pain of my heart is worst then labor pains and it doesn't subside. Every moment my mind is filled with thoughts of him. I can't continue on like this. I'm sorry, I love you, but the pain is unbearable." 

So, dressed in a pretty laced night gown, with a fist full of pills, a glass of carbonated liquid and a plastic grocery bag, she ended the pain for ever... 

Good morning, this blog is of unbearable heartache. Who hasn't had their heart broken at sometime. I know I have. Once in a past life time, it seems, I was broken hearted for almost a year. No one could tell, because I looked beautiful on the outside, never missed work and kept that fake happy smile plastered on my face, but the exuberance of the butterfly was gone. 

Some days the pain was intense. And, on those days, I surrounded myself by my 2 girl friends who gave me love and literally fed me chicken soup, while wiping my eyes and blowing my nose (Thanks T & D I'll never forget that). I also prayed, got out the house and placed huge red check marks on my calendar which marked how long it had been since I dialed his number or paged him (yes paged).

One day, I woke up to HEAR birds singing, was again able to SMELL the flowers, FEEL the sun on my skin, SEE with both eyes open the beauty that surrounded me and TASTED life! "Oh Happy Day!" My beautiful mind, body, soul and spirit sang out! The Butterfly again had her wings. 

Fella's pain of the heart is not gender specific. I once nursed a brotha/friend through his. No, he wasn't a weak man, just one that had fallen in love and had been hurt. His sands called him, "Lova Lova," because women were drawn to him like bees to honey. His eyes were hypnotic, body resembled the Discobolus of Myron and he put the S' in strong and sexy. (ok, I've digressed). 

Pain of the heart has to run it's course, unfortunately, you can't rush it. Stay busy, surrounded by love and definitely prayful and this too shall pass. If you allow it to consume you, you'll end up like her; eyes closed hands folded lying under beautiful flowers and the moon. 

I'm out y'all, I'll come back tomorrow with something a bit lighter. Ha!

Sunday, May 29, 2011


I woke up to the sun beaming brightly through my window. It  was beckoning me to do something Nu and exciting. 

My soul and spirit have been craving something Nu. The craving is so intense, it's gnawing at every part of my being. I  yearn and require Nu experiences, sounds, tastes, food and people, every so often. When that craving is not satisfied, there's an empty, unfulfilled and suffocating feeling. 

I've found the older I get the more curious I've become about life and exploration. I'm always seeking things that are Nu.

Today, instead of rereading what I've already written, I will flip the page and write something on a blank sheet of paper that's Nu...

Good morning world and welcome to my blog. 

Saturday, May 28, 2011



Men can and sometimes do pop around and pollinate many flowers without the slightest of thought of that beautiful vulnerable star gazer after ward.

 But as women, we deal with emotion and receive. So, when they are gone on to the next calla-lillie and have forgotten us, their  essence remains in our spirit, which can  reek havoc on a fragile flower that's craving sun light and water...

Be careful who you receive, ladies...

Friday, May 27, 2011

Hungry Eyes

She introduced me to her friend. His eyes lingered much too long and he held my well manicured hand in his wet palm much too long. I looked away and removed my hand. My mind screamed, "Yek, Hungry Eyes!" 

When an introduction is made by the wife, husband, girl/boy friend or even side situation it is very inappropriate for that person's (the hus/wife, boy/girl friends, side situation) eyes to linger on the person to whom they are being introduced. That look I've named - "Hungry Eyes."

If you have "Hungry Eyes" control that ish! There is a time and a place for everything...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Happy Hump Day!

Ladies, I've been talking to men at my two favorite cigar spots. What some have told me: They DO NOT like when women step into any establishment frequented by mostly men and start doing too much: Prancing around Flirting with every man in the joint, drunk, high, talking too loudly, cussing like a sailor and not being a lady. (I've been a witness to this behavior).

Now, ladies, these men will smile, talk to you and buy you a taco.  They will also hump you until you have nothing left, including your dignity then leave you like a thief in the night with nothing but a dream...

My advice is to enter like a lamb and to ALWAYS keep it Lady Like with a subtle sexy twist. 

Au revoir!

Monday, May 23, 2011

From da head

Hi Everyone,

I really didn't have a topic in mind today, so, I'll be posting from the head! Ha!

I Love Living Life to the fullest!  I do what I need to make myself HAPPY!  I LIKE: cigars, looking at and studying black men, I truly love black men (I'm married, but looking won't hurt him nor I), writing (I'm writing a book now, kind of a self help book with a twist, as a matter of fact I was asked to send my querie yesterday), laughing often and loud (can't wait till my voice is back, had laryngitis), making people smile, food (I love food), discovering new things, my Nu blog, building my buisness,  a clean house (which reminds me to call the carpet cleaner), talking, looking pretty (love make up, lipstick, lashes and getting my hair and nails done), hugging (I'm a hugger), seeing my daughter dance (she's a great dancer and can make her body move in ways I can only imagine mine moving), my grand daughter's fiesty ways laughter smile curly hair and hugs, doing things to make my mom smile, making my husbands favorite meal (since I don't cook that often, anything I cook is his favorite meal), Designer bags and shoes (my favorites are Gucci and Christian Louboutin and I'm proud to say I own a few of both),  positive people, massages and BACK TO LIFE AGAIN. 

If you are reading this, do something to make your life happy, healthy and complete. 


Lata ya'll until tomorrow!

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Why is everyone so surprised and appalled by Arnold's actions... I've become a bit of a cynic, because Not much surprises me.

I wasn't surprised about the extramarital affair, the illegitimate child it produced, nor that he bought her a home and paid for her nieces Quinciera.

The thing that F*#%ed me up was the fact his side piece remained gainfully employed for years in the house with his wife and kids. Hmm, I wonder how many times he hit that ass, while Maria was somewhere in the mansion...

Now, what type of woman, would
F*#k ya husband, conceive his child, continue working for you in YOUR HOME while pretending to be your friend, but a low down dirty hoe. 2Pac said, "Sometimes you think they yo friends, but they really yo enemy!" And the song that comes to mind is, "Whoop that B*%#h," from the movie Hustle and Flow.

She didn't have to work anymore after squeezing out Govenator the 3rd (since that's his 3rd son, that we know of). See what that rat was doing was rubbn' that shit in Maria's unsuspecting face.

Even though Maria probably hadn't f*#%*d or sucked Arnold off in years, she seriously should've whooped the woman's ass, if nothing but for principle. I'm not even the violent type, but damn an old fashion ass kicking was in order!

We already know Arnold aite shit, but by allowing baby mama to remain in the home makes him the lowest thing known to man kind.

Enough of that, but before I depart: People stop being surprised by human behavior.

I'm out until tomorrow, PEACE!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sum Otha Stuff

I like the way alcohol feels when it rolls smoothly across my tongue slow dancing over every taste bud, He likes chocolate cake with beer. She likes them tall, bald and wearing wedding bands.

He likes how he feels when he's inside his body, while his girlfriend sleeps in the next room. She likes the euphoria she feels after taking things with expensive price tags. He likes lust, her eyes, hips and lips, but is afraid of love.

She loves the way it instantly awakens her senses and urges her to dance all night, but doesn't like the depression when coming down. He likes molesting women with his married eyes. Alone in her car, she likes eating 2 big Macs and 2 snickers and washing them down with a diet coke, while pretending to be on a diet.

He likes being blindfolded, handcuffed and whipped by a black woman, since he was such a bad bad slave master. She likes 3sums with folk she meets through Craig's list.

He likes placing 1 bullet in the chamber, spinning, placing it at his right temple then pressing the trigger. She likes sharp knives and seeing the blood run down her wrists and onto her pretty pink sheets. He likes puppies, candy and kids. She loves stacks, but hates, "Nobody moves, nobody gets hurt."

They like danger, possible addictions and Sum Otha interestn' stuff.

What deep dark thing do you like... Is it harmful to you or to someone else... If you answered yes, you'd better "Check yourself before you wreck yourself," is all... 

Friday, May 20, 2011

Vi bra tions


Vi bra tions

Every woman no matter the marital status, age or sexual preference should own her very own vibrator... Yep, I said it. Sometimes a lady just wants to get off alone without all the extra shit. If you don't have one, I suggest you walk into your nearest adult store and pick one up.  The bullet is very popular and very powerful with a variety of speeds. 

I've been told that there are some GAW (grown ass women) that have never had an orgasm. EVER! That's a S H A M E! Now, you really need to run not walk and get yourself one. 

Ladies, this is not a time to be embarrassed. Everyone there is in search of satisfaction. And, for those that have yet to experience multiples, stand by. 

A touch of Romance has 20% off your purchase every 1st Thursday. 

See ya and happy endings! 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

He, Him, We

He said he knew me from another life time, I asked which one. He laughed, we danced, he ordered, we ate, he lit it, I inhaled it, He paid, I followed, He undressed, I stared, he came, I trembled, he left, I watched, he was never seen again, We missed he...Yea, We, the beautiful seed he planted and I... 

There is nothing wrong with grown folk having a good time, but do it safely. Too many fatherless children, which effects psyches. I was once in a women's group with all black women. There were 20 of us and the ages ranged from 21-56. Besides being black, the other common denominator was we all grew up in homes without our fathers. So many stories of the long term effect. The way we treated, spoke to and chose men was a direct result of being raised in a fatherless home. Some women were disrespectful to men some subsurvient others domineering some allowed themselves to be abused, because they wanted HIM to be there to help raise the children...

Strange time and way to end this post, but I'm ending it the way he entered and exited her life, abruptly. Please protect yourselves.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011



I genuinely love People and people seem to be drawn to
Me like moths to light. Often times, women feel free  
enough to confide some of the most private, painful and intimate details of their lives with me. As a result, what I've found is some women fly around with broken wings.

These women are broken from childhood physical, mental and/sexual abuse, abandonment issues, from years of being told they were not good enough, the hue of their skin was not light enough, from men who entered their lives like thieves in the might and took their joy, spirit  laughter and left them with nothing but heartache. 

If your wings are broken, it's time for healing and to look into your eyes, in the mirror, and embrace you. Talk to a therapist, it's a new day, time for recovery. There are agencies that offer free counseling. Contrary to what one woman told me, it is NEVER too late for to repair that broken wing. (She has finally sought help). I applaud her!

Please say yes to healing, it's a beautiful world anxiously awaiting you!  

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I love me some me

I like chocolate, sushi, collard greens, making people smile, hugs (I'm a hugger), the beach, Long Beach, learning new things, being alone, how my mind works, random acts of kindness, Gucci, Red lips (which I call "Talk to my lips,") my grand daughters smile, beautifying women, life and all it has to offer. I spoke to a woman, a month ago today, and asked her to tell me 3 things she liked, she could only name 2. She was at the door of depression knocking waiting for someone to let her in. I hugged her tightly and to exhaustion and told her to do these things: Talk to God daily, GET OUT THE HOUSE, look into her own eyes every morning and say, "I love me some me," (while hugging herself tightly) and to start writing and sending herself greeting cards ie; get well soon, I love you, great having you as a friend, thank you etc., (this ALWAYS makes me feel better, laugh and get out a funk faster).

She woke me out of rim sleep at 6am this morning, laughing, talking nonstop, crying and thanking me. She had done what I had asked and had emerged saying, "I love me some me!"

If you find yourself going into a depression , in a funk, feeling sorry for yourself, try these things. If done everyday for 30 days, you'll emerge saying, "I love me some me!" Go on and try it. You have nothing to lose, but much to gain! "I LOVE ME SOME ME!"

Monday, May 9, 2011


I am very fortunate to be loved by a man that has no problem with me being the insatiable butterfly that I am! So many relationships are ruined by micromanaging (one having say so over every aspect of the others life). That is also called possessiveness and jealousy more often than not rears it's ugly head in a micromanaged relationship. Micromanaging can also lead to mental and/or physical abuse. No one should tolerate either. If you are in a micromanaged relationship, I'd suggest you get out. Every relationship needs to breathe and a micromanaged one can not. It's time you come out your caccoon and take flight. LIFE is for LIVING!


It is so important we take care of our mental health.  If we are not thinking with a straight head, are prone to depression, have suicidal thoughts, feel unworthy, feel unpretty, are embarrassed about something that happened in the past, have a secret etc., etc., We must get help: talk to someone, get medication, leave an unhealthy situation, lose weight or whatever it takes to be happy and healthy mentally.  It is important for a long and productive life...  

Nu Nu


I've thought for a long time about starting a blog, so here I am.  I hope you guys enjoy and benefit from it.  This blog is geared to help you live a better life and to be Happy!  Happiness prolongs your life!

If you like what you see and read, please tell friends.  You are encouraged to comment and ask questions.

Thank you,
