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Monday, May 30, 2011

It hurts so bad

Her hand written letter said, "I cannot take the pain anymore. The pain of my heart is worst then labor pains and it doesn't subside. Every moment my mind is filled with thoughts of him. I can't continue on like this. I'm sorry, I love you, but the pain is unbearable." 

So, dressed in a pretty laced night gown, with a fist full of pills, a glass of carbonated liquid and a plastic grocery bag, she ended the pain for ever... 

Good morning, this blog is of unbearable heartache. Who hasn't had their heart broken at sometime. I know I have. Once in a past life time, it seems, I was broken hearted for almost a year. No one could tell, because I looked beautiful on the outside, never missed work and kept that fake happy smile plastered on my face, but the exuberance of the butterfly was gone. 

Some days the pain was intense. And, on those days, I surrounded myself by my 2 girl friends who gave me love and literally fed me chicken soup, while wiping my eyes and blowing my nose (Thanks T & D I'll never forget that). I also prayed, got out the house and placed huge red check marks on my calendar which marked how long it had been since I dialed his number or paged him (yes paged).

One day, I woke up to HEAR birds singing, was again able to SMELL the flowers, FEEL the sun on my skin, SEE with both eyes open the beauty that surrounded me and TASTED life! "Oh Happy Day!" My beautiful mind, body, soul and spirit sang out! The Butterfly again had her wings. 

Fella's pain of the heart is not gender specific. I once nursed a brotha/friend through his. No, he wasn't a weak man, just one that had fallen in love and had been hurt. His sands called him, "Lova Lova," because women were drawn to him like bees to honey. His eyes were hypnotic, body resembled the Discobolus of Myron and he put the S' in strong and sexy. (ok, I've digressed). 

Pain of the heart has to run it's course, unfortunately, you can't rush it. Stay busy, surrounded by love and definitely prayful and this too shall pass. If you allow it to consume you, you'll end up like her; eyes closed hands folded lying under beautiful flowers and the moon. 

I'm out y'all, I'll come back tomorrow with something a bit lighter. Ha!

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