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Thursday, May 19, 2011

He, Him, We

He said he knew me from another life time, I asked which one. He laughed, we danced, he ordered, we ate, he lit it, I inhaled it, He paid, I followed, He undressed, I stared, he came, I trembled, he left, I watched, he was never seen again, We missed he...Yea, We, the beautiful seed he planted and I... 

There is nothing wrong with grown folk having a good time, but do it safely. Too many fatherless children, which effects psyches. I was once in a women's group with all black women. There were 20 of us and the ages ranged from 21-56. Besides being black, the other common denominator was we all grew up in homes without our fathers. So many stories of the long term effect. The way we treated, spoke to and chose men was a direct result of being raised in a fatherless home. Some women were disrespectful to men some subsurvient others domineering some allowed themselves to be abused, because they wanted HIM to be there to help raise the children...

Strange time and way to end this post, but I'm ending it the way he entered and exited her life, abruptly. Please protect yourselves.

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