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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I love me some me

I like chocolate, sushi, collard greens, making people smile, hugs (I'm a hugger), the beach, Long Beach, learning new things, being alone, how my mind works, random acts of kindness, Gucci, Red lips (which I call "Talk to my lips,") my grand daughters smile, beautifying women, life and all it has to offer. I spoke to a woman, a month ago today, and asked her to tell me 3 things she liked, she could only name 2. She was at the door of depression knocking waiting for someone to let her in. I hugged her tightly and to exhaustion and told her to do these things: Talk to God daily, GET OUT THE HOUSE, look into her own eyes every morning and say, "I love me some me," (while hugging herself tightly) and to start writing and sending herself greeting cards ie; get well soon, I love you, great having you as a friend, thank you etc., (this ALWAYS makes me feel better, laugh and get out a funk faster).

She woke me out of rim sleep at 6am this morning, laughing, talking nonstop, crying and thanking me. She had done what I had asked and had emerged saying, "I love me some me!"

If you find yourself going into a depression , in a funk, feeling sorry for yourself, try these things. If done everyday for 30 days, you'll emerge saying, "I love me some me!" Go on and try it. You have nothing to lose, but much to gain! "I LOVE ME SOME ME!"


  1. I love this idea. I'm committing today to 30 days of loving on Deleice. I can't wait to shout...I LOVE ME SOME ME!!!!!!

  2. Deliece, sista-friend, thank you for becoming a part of my Nu Blog world! This, "I love me some me!" exercise is tried and true! Gurl, I can't wait for you to emerge on the other side! ((HUGGGGGS)))
