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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Lick This

People please STOP putting ya'lls mouths on everything you think is: cute/fine, smells good, has a good job, drives a nice car, has a nice crib, dresses well, degreed up (has 1 or more college degrees), speaks well, bodied up (baad meaning good body), blah, blah, blah

Especially y'all men, because y'all are the first ones that wanna lick and taste something! A male friend called and told me the honey he thought tasted like mangos and sum otha exotic fruits (well, not his words, exactly, my line from my blog "Excuse Me Ms") finally allowed him to taste the fruit and what he received in return was  Herpes, yep, that for which there is no cure.

I just read an article on www.ashastd.org that stated Nearly 1 in 2 African American adults have genital Herpes, but 90% don't know it.  WTF!! That sure is high! So, that means every other black person has Herpes??? Awww, hell to the no, that study can't be right! Can it?? If so, that's scary!

Hmm, reading those stats had me thinking about the "Tuskegee syphilis experiment" (with a twist) which was conducted btw 1932-1972 in Alabama on black men (if you are not familiar with this, slap ya self then Google it).

In another article, same site, it was stated: Experimental trial Herpes vaccine doesn't work for women. Well double damn! Eve really F*#%*d things up, when she had Adam bite that apple: Periods, labor pain, too damn emotional and now a Herpes vaccine that doesn't work for women... 4Realz??? What part of the game is that!

Ok, back to my friend, he said he ONLY sucked her Ussy once and hasn't been with anyone, besides his right hand, in a minute. A week after the sampling and savoring, he said he got a strange cluster of bumps and to his dismay was diagnosed with Herpes. Now, his ass is all mad. "Damn, she didn't look like she had nothing," Is what he said. I stared at the phone, and said, "4realz, Son!"

Now for my PSA (Public Service Announcement): If you are really into oral satisfaction, giving or receiving, consider using a dental dam.  www.sgfelken.com has pictures and explains it's use during oral activity. I'm pretty sure the feeling won't be as intense, but you will avoid the clusters my boy has, is all...

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