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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Don't Stay

Don't Stay

Funny how decisions we MUST make to be fully happy, sometimes hurt someone/others.

Life is so short and unpredictable. YOU should NOT  stay in a situation to make someone/others happy while you are miserable (miserable meaning you have not been happy w/that person for a long time. Not that they've just pissed you off).

Life is for living and at times tough decisions MUST be made to live an abundant life!

DON'T stay for the children, Continue to take care of them in a happy environment. DON'T stay because of the beautiful home, Move into an apartment and be HAPPY. DON'T stay because you fill obligated because they helped you through school and was with you when you were broke, Apologize and give them a very generous departure gift. DON'T stay because you think you can't find anyone as pretty/handsome or with a 6 pack or brown round, Just walk 3 blocks and turn left, Damn, there another one is! DON'T stay because they buy you expensive gifts, You have enough to last a life time. DON'T stay because they threaten to kill themselves, Pray for them and keep moving your boxes.

STAY only if you want to  further stifle your growth and prolong that unhappy feeling.

Everyone is in charge of their own happiness... DON'T be a casualty.


  1. Great article, and oh so many reasons not to stay; but the most important one is because your not happy and most likely never will be.

    Everyone has the desire for Individual Autonomy; the right to personal freedom, beliefs, liberties, accomplishments, and so on. I think that sometimes when you are in a relationship you tend to lose yourself and never fulfill your personal goals. This only leads to the discovery 20yrs down the line that you did not live up to your potential or the desires of your heart.

  2. Hi Loretta,

    Sad when people lose themselves in a relationship. In a healthy one, each should be encouraged to reach for the stars.

    Self discovery is always good at any age. To do want your heart desires is living L I F E!
