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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Wolves in Sheeps clothes

My mother always told me to beware of wolves in sheeps clothes. Well, ladies, I'm passing that advice on to you.

The wolves I'm speaking of, today, are the married ones.

Ladies, Let's be honest, you know 98% of the time when a man is married even when he doesn't have on a band.

If you're a little slow, these are the clues:

A - You've never been to his crib. B - You only have his cell. C - You've only met one of his boys (they always tell one). D - You haven't seen his baby daughter since she started talking  E - You only see him the day before a holiday: Thanksgiving eve, or the Day after: February 15th.  F - He always gets up in the middle of the night to leave. G - He never takes you out in public, but he brings you take out from Maestro's, (come on, who does that). H - You've been taken to the hospital, but he can't come because it's 6 and that's when he sits down with his family for dinner.

The other 2% of the time there is some real trickeration in motion. What a wolf in sheeps clothing does is: Have his very own love nest AKA Lair (resting place for wild animals). And of course the wife doesn't know about it. You even spend the night and park in his space. When you're sneaking peeks, in cabinets, there are no signs of a woman (No tampons or nail polish). He takes you to nice public places (Wife, her friends or her fam never go to that side of town). He intro's you to his friends and a few of his relatives. He does everything a single man, your man, would do.

Once your body and mind begins to crave him, the truth somehow reveals itself (of course he doesn't tell you). Maybe a "friend" or relative, who thought you knew, lets his status "slip." You're devastated, because you thought he was the ONE! You ask him why he hadn't told you and he says, "Because I knew you wouldn't F%#k with me."

Wolves, that's a low down dirty shame!

Ladies, you've invested all your time, emotions (ya'll know how emotional we can be) and energy on a wolf. It hurts, I know from my own experience with a wolf back in my formative years.

What do you do, now... You step, no matter how difficult. You MUST walk away. Your dream has turned into a nightmare and your reality has been turned upside down.

I normally have suggestions or answers, but Unfortunately, I have no answer to detect the wolf, because they live 2 full and complete lives.

Wolves in sheeps clothes, are real. *Howlingggg*


  1. I agree 98% of the time the signs are there; he is married.

    Naah, that other 2% the “trickeration” that’s just dirty and the wolf is no longer howling, but instead biting. He’s lying and deceiving, he’s making you believe you could potentially have a future with him.

    That’s the point when women become vulnerable because we want to believe in the fairytale and no longer see the signs or maybe we just ignore.

    Den, once he hears the “ooh ahh” sound, its’ a wrap. He could probably care less if you found out because he’s ready to dump you. He might even have someone else lined up.

    Datgumit, I think the ensuing pain and heartache has more to do with the fact that YOU have been made a fool of once again. But don’t beat yourself up too bad because like the article stated, the wolf is hard to detect.

  2. Hi Loretta, love your feedback! Well, for the oooh, ah feeling, it lasted an entire year, in my case anyway. Wolves are not men who are just looking to get laid (that's easy), they are men that have full fledged relationships, while married and leading a totally seperate life. But, they do make you feel as though you have a future. A mess.com

    Also, there are no signs the wolf is married. He has his own crib, takes you out to public places ie., concerts, restaraunts and introduces you to his fam and friends. Therefore; it does not take a volnerable woman to fall for a wolf. He represents himself as being single and everything about him says he is. Trickeration.com and .net

    Please keep your comments coming.
