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Thursday, July 26, 2012


"Is there a reason you came and changed my life, cause it won't change back..." I sang with all my heart and soul and at the top of my lungs in alto, so you know the top was crackled with more emphasis than a high pitched even tone.  I'm sure if Chante Moore could hear my rendition her ears would ring, but she would be happy, sensing that I was singing from a place of knowing.

As I belted out, "I'm trying to forget, but I can't act as if we never met..." I heard my evil ass neighbor hitting her ceiling with that dang on broom stick. JEALOUS HATEFUL WENCH, is what I screamed under my breath. I would never say that aloud, because I was taught to respect my elders, but oooo did she make me mad. Her season had come and gone with no man, no marriage and no child, so I kinda understood her bitterness.

I'm one that believes in seasons. There is a season for living, dying, loving, exploring, welcoming new friends and even for birthing babies.
The Bible even says, "To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1

So why wasn't there a season associated with him. Or maybe there was, I just choose not to recognize it because it was much too short. It lasted 6 (grammarbook.com says the number 6 should be spelled out in a sentence, but I'm not following all the rules, this season) as I was saying, it lasted 6 wonderful weeks. The most amazing weeks I'd had in that particular life time. I say that, because, it feels as though I've had several life times.  Each is distinct in the way it smells, sounds, looks, tastes and most definitely feels. Which to me means I'm living a full life.

In my mind and what I'm telling ya'll is no one in the world, but a sociopath comes into your life, sweeps you off your feet, shows you places, just around the corner and down the street you've never seen, completely blows your mind, than without warning EVERYTHING abruptly comes to a screeching halt so fast that you get whip lash! Then arbitrarily walks away without uttering an "I'm sorry," "You were seasons past," NOTHING!!  He owed me that, or at least I thought he did. You even tell a dog why it's being punished. And I felt I was being punished.

Since 7 (that single number rule again) signifies completeness, out of respect for me and for what turned out to be our season he could have prolonged the end for another week. Wouldn't you agree or am I being over dramatic as I'm sometimes known to be.   

Two words in Ecclesiastes 3:1, SEASON and TIME implies duration and a point in time, therefore; nothing on earth lasts forever. So as to not cause further agony to myself, today, I'll recognize God is omnipresent and know that he determines the time and the duration of everything.

As the story goes everything has a beginning and an ending, his and mine lasted only 6 weeks, but my neighbor who was again hitting her ceiling with the broom handle, well our season was now, "Fa so la ti doooooo!" HA!

Seasons, seasons, seasons

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